Sunday, December 25, 2011

Somewhere Stuck

No where to walk 
Wanting to escape 
Nobody I know 
Day is the same as night
tick tock tick tock

Friday, December 16, 2011

Jena Six: Shedding Light on the United States's Judicial System and a Call for Change

 “ The United States has the largest incarcerated population of any nation on earth-the people imprisoned in this country represent 25 percent of all prisoners around the world”(Flaherty 135).

        For my last blog in this course, I wanted to write about Jena Six.  “Jena is largely segregated, from the white barber who refuses to cut Black people’s hair to the invisible line separating the white and Black part of town”(227). In other words, Jena not only is in the mist of visible racism and segregation in the South but it is where six African American students have been faced with large criminal sentencing and offenses instead of shorter ones.  The days prior to the event that marked these six individuals, an African American asked the administration if  “ it was prohibited to sit under the tree that no African American sat. The next day nooses similar to what was used for lynching hanged the tree” (227).  As a result of this simple question lied an underlying of racism and hate both in judicial and public schools system.

            The consequences of the nooses being used to instill fear and hatred, a fight would break out between the African Americans and the white boys groups.  Later on in mist of all this violence, Justin Barker from the white boys group got injured in this fight became the main reason why these six African Americans from ages 14 to 16 years old were arrested.  However, those who were arrested: Theo Shaw, Robert Bailey, Bryant Purvis, Carwin Jones, Mychal Ball and Jesse Ray(“Jody”) Beard did not have any history of disciplinary problems.  The people who witnessed the fight painted a hazy picture of those who were involved (Flahtery 229).  In contingent to their arrest, the six individuals would be later charged with attempted murder for this incident (Flahtery 229). 
            This case is an example of the failure of the judicial system and the racism that many African Americans and other minorities faced.  Another inequality that this group experienced was the mere fact that the jurors were only white. The town’s prosecutor Reed Walters was known to be tough on crime. In fact, Jena was a site of a brutal youth prison that was closed in 1999 due to the media bringing to light its abuses (Flahtery 227). However, this was reopened in 2007 as now a privatize facility. These factors were some of the issues these individuals and their families endured.  The prosecutor in his own words stated to “ stop making such a big deal over some nooses” (Flahtery228). He continued to state the same thing over and over again neglecting what the nooses meant in our own past’s history. The point of this retelling was these individuals against all odds overcame a tiny victory when themselves, their families, individuals, communities, and a nation began getting involved by placing pressure on the judicial system with its presence and solidarity. Individuals like Catrina Wallace, a young single mother began bring support to these men and other family letter wrote to newspaper and politicians to take action on the matter of this unfair treatment they endured Wallace and the black church Bean, the preacher also help to spread to the nation and the internationally this case.  As a result of their efforts and later by the community pressure began and once this story began to be noticed it was difficult for them to be silenced as much has been silenced before.
          At a time when the community was needed and the families asked for their support, the people came. “The demonstrators marched through tiny downtown Jena in the biggest civil rights march the town had ever seen. “ Jena was so small,” Jesse Muhummad said later, “ that we started to march, and chanted”  ‘ No Justice, No Peac…’  and before we could even finish  the phase we had already marched  though all of downtown” (238). This protest fueled the solidarity of African Americans and on September 20, 2007, approximately 50,000 people arrived from Baton Rouge, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and other regions in the United States to protest against this injustice (241).  

In addition, universities across the nation began to have demonstrations and marches about the situation.  Everyone’s voice needed to be heard not just for the Jena 6 but for anyone who received an unfair trial based on the color his or her skin. “Prison makes us all less-free by breaking up families and communities by dehumanizing the imprisoned both during and after their sentences, by perpetuating a cycle of poverty, and by making all citizens complicit in the incarceration of their fellow human beings”(135). This statement about prisons emphasized the order many faced from  a system that was different for the rich and the poor. Those who have money and white privilege gained easy access toward reduce sentences and freedom while many who did not have these benefits became lost in this system that continue to perpetuate.
            In essence, the Jena Six had their sentence reduced. However, this is only one tiny victory toward the institutional system.  As James Baldwin, an African American writer, noted ‘I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also, much than that. So are we all”(Briany Quote). All of us can do something about this situation where color-blind racism and hatred are still living among many and in the institution itself.  With the support of the nation toward this injustice for the Jena Six, there is new generation wanting the intuition to take accountability for their faults in order for change to come.  The youth and the older generations are tired of a system that is not working, as it should. For this reason, it is essential for all us to take notice of these events and take action to change the present and future.

Work Cited:

Flaherty, Jordan. Floodlines Community and Resistance from Katrina to the Jena Six. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2010.

“James A. Baldwin Quotes.” Brainy Quote. 2011. 9 Dec 2011 < >.

“ Jena 6 Get Involved.” Friends of Justice. 2007. 9 Dec 2011 < >.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Katrina: What a Mess You Made? The Aftermath of a Hurricane that Still Lingers in the Heart of New Orleans and America

        As I am an outsider looking into the ordeal that occurred prior, during, and after Hurricane Katrina, I found the reaction of our public and civic officials on site were alarming.  For me, I lived through two hurricanes in my lifetime that of Hurricane Eva in 1982 and Iniki in 1992 on Oahu in the State of Hawaii. I believed the issues concerning Katrina were more likely behind the lines of racism and the corruption of our public macro systems that have been in placed since our forefathers of America established this country.  To me, Katrina illustrated my own discontent with our own institutionalized system that has continuously systematically kept people in the dark.
            In New Orleans, prior to Katrina in 2005,  Hurricane Betsy in 1956 was considered to be the most devastating natural disaster of all time.  On August 29, 2005 a category three hurricane broke on to the shores of New Orleans. Its impact was high winds, tidal waves, and intense rainfall.  However, no one thought the hurricane would lead to the levees catastrophic collapsing. The levees were utilized to protect New Orleans from being underwater. Nevertheless, this failed in a crucial time that it was essential, during a natural disaster.  In fact, Katrina was not at fault; on the contrary,  it was the engineer’s design of the levee, the failure of the city to correct this error, and the use of cheap  materials.   Thus the reality of Katrina lead to 1, 800 deaths and 200, 000 New Orleanians displaced from their homes, their communities, and their families.   
After Katrina, New Orleans was 80% underwater.

Side view of the Superdome

           The Aftermath of this disaster placed a historical city rich in culture into a  dark place. The confirmed dead from Katrina were not entirely caused by the hurricane but for the lack of food, neglecting victims’ basic essential of food, water, and medical care.  Additionally, the public servants rescued victims by selecting them based on the color of their skin.  The question of race that has been embedded in the south and else where in the United States emerged from its invisibility to more of a visible site.  The people were treated as criminals and some were shot on spot if they crossed a line after the militarization of the city.  Suheir Hammad in his verse   “On Refuge and  Language”

Evacuated as if criminal
Rescued by neighbors
Shot by Soldiers

Adamant they belong

The rest of the world can now see
What I have seen

Do no look away

The rest of the world lives here to
In America-( Flaherty 213)

For me, the words of  Hammad explained the pain the people endured during this time and afterwards. Yet, his words most importantly to me as an outsider not only showed his own disillusion of our government’s failure of a so-called just system but it represents my own disillusion of how our system remains unbroken with injustices.  For the people in New Orleans, they are taxpayers and citizens of the United States who wondered why the government was not helping them. Instead, institutions often mistreated its people and in fact, the media portrayed the situation negatively by only showing African American as criminals when there was looting involved.  The media rather than aiming for the truth about the situation in New Orleans opted to further place negative images geared toward its audience.   Even though, the truth was more important than negative portrayals, the media failed our people as always with its manipulative news model.

            The people of New Orleans lived in a brink of chaos and mistreatment.   The Superdome a place of refuge became a private hell for those who were waiting to be evacuated.  There was false hope for days while waiting for the bus to come.  The bus for some never came because the sick and injured died there just waiting.   At the Causeway Camp and Interstate 10, the people placed there were to be later separated by race, class, and gender.  “In the atmosphere of chaos, family members were separated from one another, and fear and misinformation dominated.  Given the choice between being shipped off somewhere unknown or staying behind, hundred of people opted to stand to the side, not even trying to get on the bus.” (Flaherty 40).  
Causeway Camp
This is the reality that families and communities felt even after the hurricane they were forcibly bound to be separated. This saddens me even more because family and friends are who we look for in a time of need.  I often wondered, how could we do that?  Not only were they separated, but a blogger Michael Horman who spent only a day at the Causeway Camp and Interstate 10 witnessed atrocities of what was occurring there even though he was only there for a day, this marked him.  “ There I saw the most horrific scenes that I have ever witnessed. I estimated that I saw 20,000 people. A few were corpse, many were elderly and in bad physical condition”(Flaherty 41). Another women, Leah Hodges at a congressional testimony about what occurred at Causeway stated the following: “ On the last day we were in there…they handpicked the white people to ride out first. Every day the crowd got darker and darker and darker until finally there were only- there were 95 percent people of color in that place…they broke up families and dispersed us... and they stood over us with guns and enforced their authority” (Flaherty 43).  These two witnesses of the Causeway Camp although both of different ethnicities saw the same thing that was occurring. Both Leah Hodges and Michael Horman observed natural selection of the camp where whites were chosen first and in fact Michael Horman who is of white descent only spent a few hours at the camp while Leah Hodges spent a few days makes her testimony even more heart wrenching because of the   unraveling truth.
            Six years later, the Aftermath and Recovery is still on its way for many New Orlean residents.  One person stated after the Bush Administration assumed to take measure into the matter with the relief efforts many Americans forgot the people of New Orleans. I in fact, did not realize the devastation of their horrors because I myself did not experience a place of chaos even after the hurricanes I lived through. I like them stayed at home with my family during Iniki in 1992. I waited a category four hurricane out then later saw the destruction of its havoc. However, although I did live in the areas where the most devastation occurred, I know that it had taken many years to recover for those who lost their home and their lives. My family and I were lucky; we only experienced a fallen roof yet the damage was not merely the same as others.  The damages caused the state $1.8 billion dollar and six causalities.  Because of my own experience, I asked myself for a long time how come in New Orleans there were more deaths?  What really happened in New Orleans?   Did they have a prevention plan?  Then I realized that only a fraction of the people lost their lives during Katrina while others died afterwards due to lack of food, medical treatment, and neglect.   Then later I asked myself after finding out the truth through the people who witnessed Pre and Post Katrina, why wasn't  I listening.

 Work Cited
 Flaherty, Jordan. Floodlines Community and Resistance from Katrina to the Jena Six. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2010. 

" Hurricane Katrina" Nola.Com 2011. 9 Dec 2011. .

"Hurricane Katrina." Wikipedia.  4 Dec 2011. 9 Dec 2011 .              

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Coalition of Immokalee Workers(CIW) and La Via Campesina

“ All my life  I have driven by one dream, one goal one vision:  To overthrow a farm labor system  in this nation which treats  farm workers  as if they were not important human beings"-Cesar Chavez.

          As I reread the words of Cesar Chavez and his fight like those before him to improve wages and their livelihood, it is heart wrenching to me that these abuses are still occurring today.   However, today such groups like  The Coalition of Immokalee Workers(CIW) and  La Via Campesina have emerged  in order to fight for food sovereignty  and social Justice. The CIW is a grass root organization in the United States  and La Via Campesina is an International Peasant Movement and alliance fighting for environmental and social change.  In this section, I would like to discuss these groups efforts, conflicts, and obstacles in order to achieve social justice.
            The Coalition of Immokalee merged at a time when workers “ sought  to organize, and centered on popular education and on the mobilization of the general public” (Giagnoni 99). Their main objective  is to make “ the right to just and favorable remueration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity(UDHR, Article 23, Section 3) (CIW). In other words, this grass roots organization rooted by farmworkers of Latinos, Mayan Indian and Haitians from Immokalee, one of the poorest communities in Florida came to existence to fight against changes that needed to be done.   Thus, the farmworkers experienced first hand physical violence and being enslaved by minimum wages that did not reach the equivalent of the minimum wage.  In which, they received $0.40 cents for 2. 5 Tons of tomatoes.  Moreover, the workers are also paid $.45 to $.77 per bucket of tomatoes in which this is not enough for a livelihood (Giagioni 82). Similarly, these rates correspond to those set in 1978.  Besides receiving low wages, other abuses often were endured such as exploitation of workers that are undocumented, sexual abuses, and  limited rights and benefit.
            As these abuses perpetuated overtime, the workers aimed for change.  This group begins their journey by organizing and pressuring the growers for fair treatment and just wages.  In the late 90’s they begin to have strikes which include hunger strike in order to make progress  and end  the farmers hold over unfair treatment. In 2000, the agriculture industry demanded cheaper prices in pesticides and as a result to control cost the farmers cut its production by reaping the pay of their workers.   Ever since then, the CIW has established a Fair Food Campaign that purposes three main objectives: 1) pay a penny more for a pound; 2) establish a code of conduct to eliminate any abuses and 3) create different ways to produce food.  In order for this group to further place pressure on the farmers and the industry, they joined their efforts with 300 universities to spread the word through protest and advocacy.  Since the farmers are only one part of the problem, there was a need to place pressure on the fast food chain industry. By protesting against Taco Bell, McDonald’s, Burger King and Subway, this caused further disruptions. In 2001, this group started a fast-food boycott on Taco Bell. 

This first campaign against Taco Bell made headlines but most importantly this opted for change in how the food chains bought their products. As a result, these corporations began to established fair food agreements at  with the CIW and have backed their agreements.
            However, although progress has been made, there is still more to be done for the CIW. They now are advocating against supermarkets like Trader Joe’s and others to demand a fair food agreement. This is needed in order for the farmers to not use the supermarkets demands as a scapegoat to further abuse their workers and to back down from agreements made with the fast food industry.  

            Another group of equal importance is La via Campesina. This group aims to fight for food sovereignty in which this as noted by Patel must “broaden the imagination of possible politics by putting  the idea of equality right back into the heard of food politics. It is to this that we, in conclusion, turn” (291).  La Via Campesina  is viewed as an International Peasant Movement that consist of small farmers  and producers from all over the world getting together in efforts to organize to further “ develop radical social,  economic and political  transformation to reverse the current trend” (Small Scale Sustainable Farmers are Cooling Down the Earth).  This trend refers to how production, mass consumption and trade has further caused environmental destruction in which has contribute to more global warming and lasting affects toward the environment.  The root of these issues goes back to the denial of many countries own neglect toward this problem since many allow many corporations to continue to reap the environment.  As a result,  many small scale farmers are forced to further pay higher cost in materials making them this difficult for them to continue farming due the devastation of land. 

            This group’s main focus is to change the industrial way of farming.  In other words, they purpose to transform massive agricultural farming to at a local small scale farming to reduce harmful effects toward the environment.  In addition, they  advocate for granted access to small scale farmers to not be denied local and national markets.  Another item that they aim to reduce is the Co2 emissions by the countries due to the travel of these products to other places of the world. In reality, this groups aims for an agarian form that “ regards food as a basic human right that should not be treated as a commodity”       (Small Scale Farmers are Cooling Down the Earth). As part of their efforts they have organized meeting that pursue Free Trade Agreements and they have further expressed their efforts in the Internet. They have launched protests and most importantly they continue to advocate to pursue changes to be made through complete solidarity across the globe. One fight  of each region does only concern one group of the world but all to all.
            In sum, both groups aim to place pressure on the government and the agriculture and food chain  industries to have change occurs. The consumer is an asset to these organizations concerns since we are those who buy these products.  As a consumer, we should demand changes in how people are treated and the ways in which small scale farmers and producer are treated in their local and national markets.   As  Cesar Chavez noted, once social change begins, it cannot be reversed”(Patel 301). 

Consciousness + Commitment =Change(About CIW)

Work Cited

“About CIW.” Coalition of Immokalee Workers . 9 Dec 2011. 12  Dec 2011 <

Giagnoni, Siliva. Fields of Resistance The Struggle of Florida’s Farmworkers for Justice. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2011.

Patel, Raj.  Stuffed and Starved. London :Portobello Books, 2007.

“Peasant Agriculture: A Real Solution to Climate Change.” La Via Campesina. 9 Dec 2011. 13 Dec 2011 <

“Small Scale Sustainable Farmers are Cooling Down the Earth.” La Via Campesina. 31 Nove 2007. 11 Dec 2011 <>.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bananas! A Truth Revealed

"The global economy which is constructed  from its violent history is one marked as coercion as it is by trade.  The long era of this coercion ensures  that some parts of the world benefit from the materials, cheap, or  free labour and ready markets of other areas- and uneven development comes to be the main story of  international capitalism" (Bhattachrrya, Gabriel and Small 34).

            Bananas, one of the most popular fruit  being imported all over the world, also  has many health benefits.  In fact, it  is known to have high levels of Potassium, Magnesium and B6, to help regulate high blood pressure, control anxiety, and alleviate stomach discomfort.  There are many reasons why many Americans and others alike across the globe consume this fruit even for the mere fact that it just taste good. However, has one ever wondered after looking at its sticker made in Ecuador  what is it origin,  how is  it produced and who are those behind this industry?
            This fruit is known to be part of the largest herbaceous plant. It  is native to the tropical region of Asia yet for some historians,  its origin is believed to date back from the times of Muhammad in Islam.  Today, this fruit is mainly produced in areas near the equator in countries such as Costa Rica, Columbia, Ecuador, and the Philippines, In   South America,  they export approximately 70 % of the world’s bananas and in Ecuador alone it produces 33 %.. In Central America, Minor C. Keith, an American businessman help merge the banana industry in Central America since the 1870’s. In regions mentioned about this commodity has two different types of plantations that produce this product: one that is privately owned or a corporate plantation. In fact, three giant corporations, Chiquita, Dole, and Del Monte mainly run the banana industry.  These corporations are American owned and have independently expanded to other countries for cheaper cost in production and labor. For the global producer and distributor, Del Monte exports food to the United States, Europe, Middle East and Africa. It earns revenue of $ 3.6 billion dollars a year since 2009. Del Monte is a brand often noticed at the supermarket that has expanded to animal foods, canned food, and other commodities.  
According to their history their “ heritage is as rich vibrant as our products   Dedication to quality commitment to consumers and a focus on innovation are deeply embedded in Del Monte Food Culture”  (Del Monte Foods).   This model to their customer and their website about their history focus on the positive of their company. However, it does not mention exactly its true history of where their products are from and who actually works to bring this product on the market.
            Thus for Del Monte and the other two corporations in this industry, they hide behind an imaginary façade.  In 2008, in Guatemala three banana workers that were involved in union organizing were murdered.  A man named Enrique Cruz Hernandez according to the reports  “was shot while on his lunch break”(Labor Notes).  The article also mentions that Guatemala ranks as one of the most “ dangerous place’ to own a union card next to Columbia. Although the company is not responsible for these murders, they are connected to a history of violence involving tactics of fear to exploit their workers.   In Ecuador, workers earn a wage in their currency of $218 yet to the average minimum is $ 500 to reach a family’s basic needs.  Wrokers often work long hours and have limited to no right to protect them from exploitation.  In some reports, there has been criticism and in fact in one point children at the near age of eight were working at these banana plantation. However, as of today in Ecuador due the efforts of many there are now laws that  protect children form working making the legal age of work to be at 15 years old.
            Other concerns  in regards to harming the workers and the consumer are how this product is being produced with chemicals.  In banana production,  there are pesticides that have a high toxicity.  One chemical called  Chlorphyrifos is a neurotoxin  pesticide  that is used to cover the maturing fruit.  This is implemented to protect the product from any insects. However, workers are exposed to this chemical  In Ecuador, they are exposed to aerial pesticides and manual spraying. This spraying can cause further damage to the communities in near proximity. This chemical can cause the drinking water to be contaminated and its exposure can lead to further health effects. In fact, due to chemicals from Dow Chemical being used by Dole Corporation, this linked to the sterilization its men workers in the 1970’s.  Although this did occur in the past this issue is still affecting the workers and people today.  Another concerns of importance is also the environmental damage occurring with mass production. In which, there are risks of deforestation, exposure, and contamination of water.
        In reality,  a banana although seems to reap many health benefits and is very affordable may contain chemicals that are of concern.  In addition, the workers and the communities are exposed to these chemicals.  Corporations although have the financial power to change its system not only in its techniques but also can further treat their workers fairly with wages and giving them more health benefits rather than looking the other way.  In terms of globalization, the negative effect of this is how corporation can easily exploit their works and limit their right while being backed by the country because the need for jobs are scarce.  The only way to eliminate the abuse toward its labors is to uncover the truth and as a consumer demand a change toward the people who works for their company because they deserve respect and a equality.

Work Cited

Harari, Raúl. “ Labour, Enviorment, and Health in Ecuadorian Banana Production”  NGO  21 Nov 2009. 9 Dec 2011 < >.

McCraken,  Carrie.  “ The Impacts of Banana Platatation Development in Central America”  Banana Plantations in Central America 1998 8 Dec 2011

“ Our History” Del Monte Foods.   2011 8 Dec 2011

“ Del Monte Banana Workers Murdered in Guetamala”  Labor Notes.  31 Aug 2008. 8 Dec 2011 <>.

“ Market” UNCTAD. 2011 8 Dec 2011


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Food Inc.-Extra Credit

  • Since the revolution of this sort of factory style system of production has been incorporated in McDonald’s. This revolution uniformity of an assembly line has reached the way farming is produced to meet the needs of mass consumption and corporations demands. With the statement, “ In a way, we’re not producing chickens, we’re producing food” reflects on how the food industry has raised chickens in a short amount time to meet the needs of companies making this very inhumane for them.   As a result, chickens are being mass-produced and are pumped with antibiotics and other chemicals to grow quicker.  For these reason, I find that this statement mentioned is true that the industry produce food for only consumption and commodity. 
to be continued....

Monday, October 31, 2011

Supermarkets, its location of Product Placement and Manipulation Toward the Consumer

            As I begin my journey of shopping for myself and as the “Other in the supermarket, I often ask myself do I shop out of instinct or because I have freedom of choice?   After reading Raj Patel’s Stuffed and Starved(2003), I contemplate what he proposes about the manipulation of the architecture of the supermarket and its overhaul geography of  placement on products in order to further understand my own judgment and role as the consumer. For this reason, my journey will then begin by evaluating three supermarkets Safeway, Winco, and Wal-Mart in the Palouse area.
            To begin, I must compose my own personal shopping list. Hence, I am already on a strict diet and budget like many other students with limited funding.  Unfortunately, this makes it nearly impossible for me to buy whole foods from a natural food store due to my budget being at least $30.00 -$40.00 every two weeks or more depending on what I buy.  My diet alone and my allergies to dairy forces me to look at every label I encounter to check if there is milk, dry milk or contains milk in the product.  In reality, if I was not allergic I really do not think I would care about looking at the ingredient section nor spend a huge amount of time trying to see other options. The good thing about this is I can steer clear away from milk products. Nevertheless, as Patel notes supermarkets like Wall-mart, Safeway, and Winco atomically place this product at the end of the store as a way for the customer to roam around to buy more items.  For me, I actually buy boxed Almond or Coconut Milk that is usually placed in some far off corner that is typically near the baking items close to the end of aisles, which to me makes no sense at all but it also does make you look around the store. If you have a sweet tooth at Wincos or at Safeway than you will buy more products. 
            As a student, products like cereals, breakfast bars, ramen, oatmeal, and pasta are always on display either near the entrance or in the beginning of each section.  These items are mostly purchased by students because of their nature of being an instant meal for which this is important for people who are pressed on time due to studying.  Other products that are a must for students are from the frozen food section.  Here, pizza, burritos, and instant Chinese foods are on display at the beginning of each section and close in location proximity for the customer to dive into their indulgence of junk food.  I myself must admit have been a fan of the frozen food section until I decided to prepare my own food as a healthier choice. This change of alternative cuts the cost from buying a $3.00 person pan pizza or a larger portion that is around  $5.00 to a lot less. Additionally, this results in somewhat knowing what ingredients are being put on your pizza because you are the one preparing the meal. However, there is still the risk not really knowing what is in your food unless you really further research each item and know the differences.
            Thus, after observing my own list of products, I then decided to find a diet exclusively gluten free as part of being the “Other.” Gluten, a protein composite derived from processed wheat is also a starch and an additive to food low in protein. This substance has often at times caused many issues for people diagnosed with Celiac Disease. As consequence, people may suffer symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, hair loss, unexplained weight loss or gain, loss of appetite, chronic gas, and bloating. Other symptoms that are more concerning is the fact that gluten may also cause depression and anxiety.  For me, this is a question of concern because how can a food additive cause so much pain to a person.  However, this is the case for those who suffer this disease and to live a happier life than gluten free is necessary. For this reason, I wanted to find how supermarkets list gluten free products.  Today because of the Food Drug Administration(FDA) making apparent the need to label gluten free products, there are signs everywhere stating this, yet most product may cost $2.00 more than products with gluten. For instance, instant oatmeal with gluten cost $3.49 while without runs around  $5.29.  Gluten free items are also placed in sections that are not at the eye view of the customer making it apparent  that the stores do not want the customer to buy gluten free but rather a gluten product because it is cheaper for industry to produce.
Here is an example of how a customer may demand for  change and
thee response from the corporation to fit the needs of the customer.
            In sum, after observing how supermarkets control their environment to further control the consumer, I find myself disturbed. I am plagued by the mere the fact that I am consumer that falls into to their death trap by buying products that are more processed because of seeing it right smack in my face. Other reasons why I am upset is because now I am aware of the planning of supermarkets and their methods to control the consumer by playing with our instincts to shop for something for convenience  or at an eye view. Then I ask myself can this be stopped and the answer is yes. If there are labels like gluten free out there it is because the customer demanded a change because we want to know what is in our food. However, the food industry will keep playing its role of manipulating consumer as long as we allow it. 

Is the Center for Consumer Freedom Really for the People?

   When I watched the video about the Center for Consumer Freedom(CCF) my initial reaction was being dazed and confused. To me it was evident that the video seemed to present itself as an advocate for us the individual and the consumer's rights. However, after a few seconds it started talking about the fight against taxes on candy bars and how organizations such as People for the Ethnical Treatment of Animals(PETA), Center for Science in the Public Interest  and other organizations were going to far in telling us how to run our lives. In other words,  the Center for Consumer Freedom aimed to present a honest debate mainly about food and beverages but is it really in favor for the consumer?
   In reality, the Center for Consumer Freedom is a non-profit American lobby group. As seen in the video, this group mainly focused on how to inform us, defend our consumer choice, and promote common sense. However,  this group failed to tell us their own reality. It is a coalition of restaurants and food companies and other individuals that was founded by Richard Berman an executive director of  Berman and Company. This coalition campaigned against  PETA, The Disease Control, and other agencies that have informed Americans about what is in our food and to be conscious on how animals are treated or any other social problem related to this topic.  
       An example of the Center for Consumer Freedom from their website an article titled "Health Food, or Slick Marketing?" explored the reality of organic food.The text argued about how the process of organic food was just more expensive and in fact there was no clear evidence stating better health benefits of this type of  product than purchasing other natural products.  Justin Wilson from the CCF in his interview with Johns Stossel from Fox News in the segment called " Is Organic Food Worth the Price?" believed organic food was "eco-fads rooted in elitism."

Then this corespondent further affirmed that  the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) only labeled Organic products as a marketing tool.  For author Raj Patel  of Stuffed and Starved(2007), he pointed out that instead of having a higher cost of food that differentiated healthy food for the poor make it more affordable and accessible to everyone. Organic foods could be a fad; however, there are differences in its process with lesser chemicals or none at all.  Moreover,  these products are getting to more preferred nowadays and as an result, it is transforming the food industry and how the food production system has been industrialized is being further questioned.  For farmers producing organic items, they might progress in markets that have been bullied by corporations like Wal-mart or Tyson.  To me,  this article established the perspective of the CCF on organic foods in order to discourage buying these products by also placing an emphasis on class in order to demonstrate the higher cost of these items. Thus, Justin Wilson further included in his interview about buying locally.  He believed that this placed a carbon footprint as well as buying product from other people elsewhere but to him, people only bought these products in order for them to" feel better."  To me, I found that this comment about locally grown food failed to conceive a better argument since in reality locally grown food is more beneficial. As Patel noted, local products are often more cheaper than the supermarket,  better for the local economy, and they are less processed making them healthier(307-308). In other words, locally grown products are more beneficial to the local economy hence corporations like Wal-mart are not benefiting from it unless they join into buying these type of products by changing the way it has done business due to consumption of consumers and the idea of supply and demand.
     In reexamining both the article and video, the Center for Consumer Freedom capitalized on their power of persuasion by misinforming the consumer.  In order to keep the consumer, they must delegitimize other organization and agencies, yet they toyed with the idea of consumer freedom and choice.  For Patel, “Choice is the word we’re left with to describe our plucking one box rather than another off the shelves, and it’s the word we’re taught to use"(254). This meant the word "choice" was conditioned to us in which the consumer believed that they had a choice. However for Wal-mart locations in poorer areas, customers did not have a choice of an alternative on item since there was no other stores near by. To me, this suggested the present power relationship of corporations with its consumers where corporations are on top and the consumer is at the bottom. Thus, Patel also argued the fact that the consumer relied not on choice but rather on instincts in which corporations and other forces tried to condition and control.  For instance, CCF creating their perspective they aimed to alter the person's instinct to engage in other possiblities to change their mind in consumption of healthier foods and buying locally. Furthermore,  the video and the article do not care about the dignity of the individual-the consumer, the farmer, and the American public.  In fact, corporations' interests have always been to gain more profit rather than looking at the bigger picture of a change of diet that is desperately needed and treating  farmers fairly instead of exploiting them and their workers.
    As Patel noted in both in his book and radio discussion, the people need to get angry for change to occur.  In reality, rather than consumer freedom, we need food sovereignty, which is a" vision that aims to redress the abuse of the powerless by the powerful, wherever in the food system that abuse may happen"(303). In other forms, this addressed the issue of how peoople are being treated by the powerful or corporations in which a consumer was made to think they are the ones that are stupid for purchasing better quality food. In contrast, the reality is the food industry-corporations- are the ones who set the price.  For me, I believe in order to change this cycle of manipulation by corporations, there is need for reclaiming control not only at an individual level but at a collective level. For CCF, this group aimed to be your friend as a strategy to further control the consumer in order to further neglect how they process food, or exploit farmers and workers.  Similarly, they played with issues of class status for their own benefit to further manipulate us into believing that they are right.

On their website, they neglected true issues such as obesity.  Rather than stating it is social issue they demonstrated their point of view with sarcastic cartoons poking fun of this problem and by blaming other institutions like the Education system. 


       In essence, consumers play a critical role in changing the food industry.  With this being said, consumer freedom is an idea or tool to manipulate  individuals to be led to believe that they have freedom of choice.  In contrast, food sovereignty  is one of the ways to get our dignity back by demanding rights and snapping the wielded power of the bottleneck corporations and their influences over our own government and our lives.  As Patel stated with his analogy of the "Emperor with No Clothes", instead of everyone denying the facts address them and make changes by educating ourselves and tranforming the way we think about food and product consumption.

Work Cited:
Patel, Raj. Stuffed and Starved. London: Portabello Books, 2007.

"Center for Consumer Freedom." Wikipedia  2011. 30 Oct 2011


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hawaiian Labor Unions and the 1946 Sugar Stike

      Living in Hawai`i your whole life, you get an understanding for the importance of labor unions and organizations.  As a child, the curriculum only  focused just slightly on strikes in the 20th century but without them, there would not be any progress in the Hawaiian Islands and its influence elsewhere with the organization of unions.   My father was always proud to be part of the Hawaiian Laborers Union Association.  He felt a sense of comfort and he knew that they would assist him if there were any inequalities being administered toward him or others. Labors unions make sure their members acquire pension plans, health care, fair wages, and work compensation when injured. Without them, I probably would not be here at this university today.  For these reasons stated above, I would like to present, a moment of significant history and transformation, the 1946 Sugar Strike.
             To understand this strike one must clearly take an account a little bit of history of Hawai`i.   The State of Hawai`i did not become a state until 1959.  Prior to this, the islands had a monarchy that was annexed not once but twice. Under the Newsland Joint Resolution in 1901, Hawai`i was finally annexed due to the importance of Pu`uloa -Pearl Harbor- to the United States Military especially during the Spanish American War in 1898 and the White elite in power.  These settlers like many others before them changed the face of the Hawaiian nation by creating more inequalities. For instance, the sugar and pineapple plantations exemplified a feudal system of labor in which the owners controlled the lives and families of their workers.
The Big-Five were subsidiaries and parent  companies –American Factors (Amfac), Castle &Cook, C. Brewer, Alexander &Baldwin, and Theo H. Davies &Co.- of the White Elite in Hawai`i in power.  These companies  not only controlled  the economic sector in Hawai`i but also in the educational and political institutions of the then Hawaiian nation and territory of the United States( The 1946 Sugar Strike).
      Thus, the people working in the plantations totaled 1/5 of all of  Hawaii's population. Because of the importance of sugar during the 19th and 20th century in the World's economy, many plantation companies contracted workers from different countries to work in this industry. These laborers were Japanese, Filipino, Portuguese, Chinese, and  also Hawaiian.  Because these groups were from different countries, they did not speak the same language and were segregated in different camps as a way to prevent communication and solidarity.  However, many workers understood that they were treated unfairly and the pay grade was different for each ethnic group, for example, the Japanese earned $0.99 an hour as oppose to the Filipinos workers who earned $0.69.
            The  Sugar Strike of 1946  was one of the most important strikes in the history of Hawai`i. As  Solomon mentioned in the strike of 1919, both the Japanese and Filipino labor groups demanded better working conditions, higher wages, and eight-hour work days(12).  In order to continue controlling the work force, the plantation owners evicted the strikers from their homes, hired strikebreakers, and leaders were  prosecuted for conspiracy.  However, this group continued fighting and were granted most of their demands.  As a result, these two groups placed pressure toward  the plantation owners and  the laborers throughout the years came to an understanding that the key for change and transformation was unity and organization. Thus, in efforts to go on strike in 1946,   solidarity was essential  and all labors needed to be unionized island-wide.

       The International Longshore and Warehouse Union  and sugar plantation workers began  to unionize and effectively strategized to reduce failure.   This union, established finally in  August 11, 1937,  replacing the old union International Longshoreman Association. Their main focus was to reorganize workers and in the  Hawaii chapter, this union included sugar and pineapple workers, hotel workers, and  dock workers.  For the Sugar Strike in 1946, some leaders like Jack Hall from the ILWU came to the islands to assist in the labor movement that was embarking.  For both the ILWU and the sugar plantation workers, it was important that there were leaders from each camp that were recognizable and respected.  The leaders needed to be informed in order to inform others in their groups and to have others sign up for the union. This method of strategy was a way to utilize all the uses. Other leaders came from sport organizations and volunteer activities such as OLAA Surf Riders Baseball Team.  For the ILWU, it  was important to involve new leaders such as Eddie Lapu  from the Wailua Sugar Cane Plantation to help with the organization of the unions and to have others sign up. Because plantations enforced their own law, they prohibited organizing, which made this somewhat difficulty in organizing and having member sign up for the union.  However, the workers would meet after 9:00 PM once they were off work and they organized meetings at  Post Office places that were United States government owned. At one point in some plantations, new members signed up in the restrooms.  The plantations in order to discourage laborers, brought more workers approximately 6,000 from the Philippines in 1946.

However, upon arrival the workers on the ships were already affiliated with the ILUW because they like many others believed in having better pay and benefits. The end result of signing all workers brought a strength in numbers and a disruptions could occur to create pressure.
    The strike itself took a year to finally become organized. Prior to this , a selected groups of  workers were sent to the mainland California in formal educations on organizing,  ideology of labor history and law,  and also they attended live practicums of other union struggles.  To have this was essential in order to have a sound organized union and strike. In addition, prior to the sugar strike,  there was already comprise drawn up that allowed workers more pay than  24 cents an hour. However,  workers aimed to get paid $0.65 an hr,  work 40 hours a week, but most importantly, they wanted to eliminate  the prerequisite of free provision of  medicare, housing , and fuel.  The perquisite only made plantations perpetuate their control and  power by enslaving workers to harsh treatment and horrible living condition to their standards. Instead the union proposed that this should come out of their pay. In addition, the union demanded a union store and security in their jobs.
    In the end, the Sugar Strike in Hawaii started in September 1946 and ended on November 17, 1946.  There were 33 out of 34 plantations on strike with approximately 25,000 workers officially picketing.  Because the men were on strike the family was also in support of this strike in which this meant 75, 000 people were on strike.  During the strike everyone had a job either transporting workers, making food, going to meetings,  or providing entertainment for morale. It seemed that no one was left behind and although many did not speak the same language,  the union made sure communications were in Ilokano, Tagalog, Japanese, Chinese and Standard English.  Although there was opposition due to Hawaiian law favoring the management in prohibiting unlawful assembly, the people took the risk by attesting the constitution of territorial law by getting arrested.  In other words, the workers did not show fear and challenged the authority.  This pressure enforced accomplished change in labor in Hawai`i and the end of a feudal system. The workers earned a 20-40 % increase, 40 hours a week workdays, and the end of provision. In addition, there  was new management in which found the need to negotiate and allow grievances to be addressed instead of ignoring the workers.
   Thus,  to many workers from this era and myself this was a social victory. This transformed the lives of many and changed the lives of the community.   In the documentary about this strike called the 1946 Sugar Strike, one woman noted that they were fighting for their children and to change the future. Many were tired of being treated as second class citizens and demanded a voice.  Other ways where this sugar strike changed the course of the future is in the state government.  Those who were  citizens working on the plantations registered to vote then later voted on candidates that did not ignore the workers and their demands.  Because of this in Hawai`i till this day, the house majority is democratic and not republican.
  In sum,  when there is a strike in Hawai`i the people support them and their demands.  Without those brave people who did strike those last few months in 1946, Hawai`i would possible continued to be a feudal system of labor and there would not be a sense of racial equality in Hawai`i.  Although there is still some disparities in Hawai`i,  I know this union like many others are still standing strong in Hawai`i even though the number has dropped elsewhere.  My point is the strike created change in Hawai`i and transformed the working class to be acknowledge as a voice to be heard. As a result, there is ethnic diversity, hybridity in language and culture, and a sense of pride to be from Hawai`i.  I also believe the reason why many do not know about this Sugar Strike in history books  is because many books fail to recognize Hawai`i as a state and only remember Pearl Harbor in 1941. They  do not look  beyond that nor remember that Hawai`i was its own nation once.  Another reason for this history to be ignored is the distance that Hawai`i is from the mainland and many people still want to believe  that "there  is no trouble in paradise."

Work Cited:
" International Longshore and Warehouse Union" Wikipedia. 2011.  7 October 2011 .

Salomon, R. Roots of Justice. Berkely: Chardon Press, 1998

"The 1946 Sugar Strike." ILWU 146 Hawaii International Longshoreman and Warehouse Union 7 October 2011 .

1946: The Great Hawaiian Sugar Strike. Dir. Joy Chong-Stannard. Baseline Studio System, 1997

Other Resources:

Center for Labor Education and Research

Rise and Roses -Videos on different events in Hawaii also the documentary on The 1946 Sugar Strike.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Zoot Suit Riots (June 1943)-Blog 3

    A riot is a disturbance that occurs when there is upheaval. In the case of the Zoot Suit Riots, this moment happened in June 1943 at a time when WWII ended. It was a moment of an extraordinary social conditions and discontent.  The riots named after the Zoot Suits was associated with Mexican-American youths’ attire.  In which, their form of style of a wide shoulder jacket, baggy pants, a pork pie hat, a long key chain, and for males a duck tail hairstyle expressed an “insolent attitude” which differed from what conventional society embodied (Solomon 23).  Whiteness was the dominant cultural ideal and everything else at the time created a sense of disruption toward the hegemony.  For this factor, the dominant “racial group” in this case, the sailors used the tactic of fear and violence to provoke chaos in a predominantly Mexican-American community in Los Angeles.  However, this time, the community decided to fight back against unfair treatment and most importantly racism.  For this reason, I selected this moment in our nation’s collective memory about these specific riots because their impact paved the way in Mexican-American cultural identity but most importantly, this moment impacted in my own family’s history because they endured this treatment and lived around this time.

      The fighting between the sailors and the Zoot Suitors lasted several days.  At least 200 sailors and civilians came to the riots  and although, there was no one killed, the lasting effects of the riots proved significant in the Mexican-American community and other people of color.   In the United States, the media in their headlines called this group hoodlum and expressed toward others groups of whites to join in the fighting against this group. These fights later on resulted in international attention to other nations especially in Latin America and Mexico due to Spanish-language commentary and reporting about disturbances from their own regional press (Grisworld del Castillo  368)  The point is that the riots highlighted internationally how Mexican-Americans, other people of color, and immigrants were treated as second-class citizens and  the ideals of liberty and civility were falsities . For the United States government, this showcased civil disorder in internal affairs within the nation and a denial of racism as the rooted issue. In retrospect,  this disturbance placed pressures on the government and distracted the “smooth functioning of societal patterns of cooperation” which was necessary for power and authority to continue operating(Fox-Piven 38).

         Thus, although the riots were not a specific movement for Mexican-Americans, I believed that in a sense it was. To be specific the subculture  created  by the Pachucos in having  their own music, language,  and style suggested a time of change( Griswold Del Castillo 369).  It gave the so-called invisible, a face, a name and their own identity. This to me was a strategy but most importantly they were challenging the authority by not following the norm nor traditional values invoked by their own family. Thus, the riot influenced in establishing the Community Service Organization (CSO) in 1946. This organization functioned as a pillar in changing history by fighting against inequalities of racism, job discrimination, and immigration rights in order to achieve civil rights and equal opportunity.  In addition, through voter registration drives, citizenship classes, lawsuits and legislative campaigns, these were
strategies to empower individuals and to challenge the controlling power. 

            In sum, I believed the Zoot Suit Riots encouraged a time for change. It sparked the fuel for Mexican-Americans and immigrants alike in Los Angeles and elsewhere to fight against institutionalize inequalities.  Even in Mexico,  student youth could seemingly identified with the Pachucos and the riots(Griswold del Castillo 369). The lesson learned about this event was to never give up in spite of indifference and  racial prejudice. However, another lesson learned was the importance joining together as a community and organizing to fight against inequalities.  For me in reality, I never heard about the Zoot Suit Riots until I took a course about Latino Culture and History in the United States.  Until then, I could fully understand how much sacrifices were made and how much more inhumanity there was in our nation’s past.  Then later on I felt that I could understand my father a little bit more and his pain because he experienced similar discrimination described in this era.  This moment helped me to understand my own identity as a Mexican-American and to not be ashamed for who I am.

Work Cited

"American Experience. Zoot Soot Riots." PBS.  2009.  29 September 2011.  .

"CSO Project" Community Service Organization. 2011. 29 September 2011..

Fox-Piven.  Challenging Authority:How Ordinary People Change America.Oxford: Rowman & Littlefields Publisher, INC, 2006. 

Fregoso,  Rosa Linda. "The Representation of Cultural Identity in Zoot Suits"(1981)"Theory &Society. 22. 5( Oct 1993) 659-674. JSTOR. 29 September 2011 .

Griswold del Castillo, Richard.  The Los Angeles "Zoot Suit Riots" Revisited: Mexican and Latin American Perspectives." University of California Press. 16.2(Summer 2000)  367-391. JSTOR. 30 September 2011 .

Solomon,  Larry R. Roots of Justice Stories of Organizing Communities of Color. Berkeley: Chardon Press, 1998

"Zoot Suit Riots" Wikipedia. 2011. 30 September 2011. <